Tuesday, May 30, 2006


If you say that the most intelligent people in India, i mean to say IAS/PCS are puppets then I can understand as I believe that if some of them really want to do something for the good of public they will better be terrorists as they have to work against the will of politicians or atleast there own will. As they cant do good without being ruthless for some people especially politicians and union leaders.
These politicians are not puppets.
I remember one of our Prof. saying that a "little bit of corruption improves efficiency in the system". But here this little bit seems to be little too much.

All of this is because of puppets (according to you). Have you ever wondered how development athourities are able to manage roads, electricity and water problems just before the VIP visit?
That's because they are afraid of so called puppets.
Our law is powerful but the main problem is the rate and the manner in which problems are being addressed. So they should know how to use it.
I belive that the biggest problem of India is not its policies but it is the implementation. You can see this anywhere.

--------------------For one who thinks that politicians are puppets


Blogger Sam J said...

i'll have to differ you on that...India's biggest problem, I believe, is public apathy. Progress in India happens despite the govt and not due to it. The tragedy is that we are proud of this fact! Don't you think it is high time that we should start making public officials accountable? If not, then let's not have this sham of democracy and elections... Let anarchy rule!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Gaurav said...

I don't mind if you say that I am an extremist. But if you say that this is Democracy, then I would like to go with military rule. Our honourable Supreme court is asking Docs to end strike with immediate effect after 18 days of strike and it gave 4 weeks time to Govt. to explain their position. That too after implementation.
Where is Democracy, if Govt. cant see nation wide protests. You must have seen Govt. employees going on strike regularily but that doesnt create problems for Govt. and Court as their votebank.
Nobody cares about grieviences of genearal public in this Democracy.

12:38 AM  

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